Learn How to Design Two Inspiration Quote Posters
Hey Design Cutters! Simon here, and today we’re going to have fun creating some inspirational posters! These kinds of designs are huge on social networks such as Instagram, and can be a great way to get creative, and show off your design skills to a wider audience. These posters will also show you some great ways to work with the 22 fonts available as part of this week’s bundle, walking you through some basic typographic principles, more advanced text functionality, as well as various other handy design techniques. Let’s get started!
For my latest process pieces for Design Cuts, we’re going to have fun creating some inspirational posters!
These posters will show you some great ways to work with the 22 fonts available as part of this week’s bundle, walking you through some basic typographic principles, more advanced text functionality, as well as various other handy design techniques.
Let’s get started!