Photocopy noise textures volume 02
Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 1 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 2 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 3 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 4 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 5 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 6 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 7 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 8 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 9 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 10 Photocopy noise textures volume 02 - Textures - 11 The Shop is proud to introduce the little brother to its most popular product, the photocopy noise texture pack, volume 02! Each of the ten (10) original textures were obtained by printing a black sheet through a laser copier of questionable quality, and then mistreating them with various scratching, folding, and rubbing techniques. After that, the textures were scanned in at 1,200 ppi, slightly adjusted for even lighting in Photoshop, and then converted to 18"x24" @ 300 ppi documents. They are crisp as a winter morning. Each texture is available in a positive (mostly black), and negative (mostly white) version.