Watercolor washes textures volume 01
Watercolor is a soft medium, that helps to bring delicate colors to life on paper. One of the main techniques used when working with watercolor is layering: creating subtle hues, shadows and highlights, simply by painting one color after the other. The translucent quality of the paint allows for beautiful worlds to create when these layers get juxtaposed. These eleven textures have been hand-painted with watercolor paint, on paper with various grains. They have been carefully scanned in at very high resolution (1,200 ppi and above), in order to output crisp pixels sized at 18"x24" @ 300 ppi. --- Eleven (11) textures Hand-painted 18"x24" @ 300 ppi --- Watercolor washes textures volume 01 - http://crtv.mk/g01Cu Watercolor washes textures volume 02 - http://crtv.mk/g01Cv Watercolor washes textures volume 03 - http://crtv.mk/d00LJ ---

Watercolor washes textures volume 02 - http://crtv.mk/g01Cv
Watercolor washes textures volume 03 - http://crtv.mk/d00LJ