Sunburst Races digital posters - February 2014
Various visual assets for the social media channels of the Sunburst Races, a yearly running event taking place in South Bend, Indiana. These are quote/saying-based digital posters. The quotes and sayings are either directly related to running, or motivational ones.

Some new work for Sunburst Races. Coffee is always a good idea, right? Original image by Death to Stock.

Original type element.

Some new work for Sunburst Races. I'm not sure I agree with the quote, as I don't run. January 2nd got the best of that resolution. Original imagery via Death to Stock.

Original type element.

If I'm not mistaken, the quote is by the dude who co-wrote Wikinomics.

Original type element.

This was my second concept for the quote. For some reason, I like that type lockup a bit better.
I wanted to use the "epic construction project imagery" trick as a support on this one, by using this image of Shasta dam under construction from the Library of Congress collection (Flickr Commons). It didn't work very well, as the quote needed quite some space to be readable, and almost completely covered the image. Oh well.

Original type element.